Thursday, June 26, 2014

Composting made easy

Ready to bring your composting to the next level?

Check out this totally slick design for an elevated compost tower! The way this is set up, you can park your wheelbarrow under the pile and sift the finished product right in. The all-cedar compost tower makes composting easy on your back, fun, and looks nice too!

Here's how it works:
Add the slats as you build up your compost pile with food scraps, grass clippings, leaves etc.
Check out the brown-green-straw layering on this one:

When the compost has cooked down and matured, pull out the bottom two slats and spill the finished compost into your soil screen. Whatever doesn't make it through the screen can go right back onto the pile.

You can start with one tower and add more later, or go ahead and get three right away!

And for those who want to start with something a little simpler, I also have these Lincoln Log-style compost kits for $55. These are a back-saver as well: if you want to turn your pile, all you have to do is pull it apart piece-by-piece and reassemble it right beside.

Prices as follows:
One tower- $195
Each additional tower- $125
You can bring down costs by up to $100 by providing your own materials. I can work with any lumber between 1"x4" and 2"x6".
Lincoln Log-style compost kit- $55

Monday, June 23, 2014

Workshop experiments

It's been a very busy month, but last week I found some time to get creative and build a few fun garden projects. How about a strawberry tower?

I'm working on a 5' tall one next.

Here is a fancy compost tower that I'll write about in the next post:

And finally, what better use for an old sink than as a soil basin in a potting table?

Have any creative gardening ideas that you would like to see made real? Let Nick know at or 907.301.4644