Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Fall projects

Here is a collection of a few Black Dog Gardens custom cedar garden boxes. September is a great time to commission and install a box of your own without the distractions and pressure of preparing the garden for planting. You have all winter to get ready for that.

If you like what you see or if you have some other ideas, send me an e-mail at blackdoggardens@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you!

Garden cleanup and compost bins

    It's that time of year where the green leaves stop looking so green and the dead plants start piling up. If you need some help cleaning up your garden for winter or you need a nice cedar compost bin, then send blackdoggardens@gmail.com an e-mail. 
    The compost bin pictured below is made from naturally rot-resistant cedar fence pickets, assembled lincoln-log style so you can build it as big or small as it needs to be. The price for a single 3'x3' bin like the one below is $60 but ask for two or three and we can make a deal!