Saturday, April 4, 2015

Alaska Botanical Garden Spring Conference

Well, sure feels like Spring! The Farmers Market season hasn't started yet, but Black Dog Gardens will have a vendor space at the 9th Annual Spring Garden Conference and Annual Meeting on April 10th and 11th at Alaska Pacific University.
I'll bring a few boxes and benches as samples, but mostly I hope to line up some fun garden projects for the season. If you plan to attend, keep an eye out for our table! If not, send me an e-mail about your garden plans and whether you can use an extra hand before we get too busy!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Coming out of hibernation... slowly...

No, it's not quite gardening season yet, but it's a great time to lay out plans for when the ground does finally thaw out. I'm slowly getting things running in the workshop again, sketching out ideas for creative garden box designs and thinking about starting some seeds before too long.

Contact me (Nick) at or give me a call at 907.301.4644 if you'd like to set up a time to meet and plan out the garden of your dreams.

Here's an idea! You know your little trash can house, now made obsolete by the Muni's larger bins? That's halfway to a ready-built chicken coop. Share your ideas with me, and I can help make them a reality.